It has been over 2 years since the new trash cans have been issued, and there are several homes that still are in violation of the convents. To comply with our covenants, trash containers must be stored out of sight.
Article I paragraph 9 of our AAHA covenant states: "No garbage or trash can or container or fuel tank shall be permitted unless completely screened from view, except for pickup purposes".
We encourage anyone who is unable to store them in the garage, to build a screening enclosure. If you are unsure if you structure will meet the covenants, please submit plans to our email address;

Example of a Screening Enclosure
While we do not enjoy having to contact neighbors regarding covenant violations, we will follow the process laid out in the July 15th of last year.
Contact the homeowner to discuss the issue.
The Association will send a letter to the homeowner giving 10 days to cure.
We will then turn over the matter to the Association’s legal counsel, who will seek a legal remedy as appropriate. Typically, this will include seeking a declaratory judgment from a court, requiring the homeowner to correct the remedy or face civil penalties from the court.
Compliance with the covenants is in all of our interests and necessary ensure we maintain property values throughout the neighborhood.
Is your Trash Cart to large for you? You can now switch to the 48-gallon size cart. Follow the link below.
Direct all questions through this website or email at
Please contact us if you have any questions.